Friday, September 3, 2010

news from the editing front

Hey-lo. How's everybody doing out there in imaginary land? Things are going pretty well here. I've been spending most of my time making my way through varies movies and/or TV series. I just finished Firefly and its companion movie, Serenity. Very good show; I can see why people are so into it. And I can see what the obsession is with Summer Glau. She's a very good actress. I've also watched both complete seasons of True Blood, and the episodes that are out so far of the third season. I'm anxious for that last episode to come out. They've done a good job so far on that series.

I've been waiting for classes to start back up again - I miss school, and am looking forward to having something to do with my time again. And, I miss not being bored stiff. I actually welcome the stress. I feel like I have somewhere I'm going when I'm in the middle of classes. Summer drives me up a wall because I feel stagnant.

I've also, of course, been doing my editings. I can get about 100 pages edited a night, when I focus. I'm about 213 pages into the book. I wish I could read the whole thing through, front to back, without pausing except to make edits. That would be the best method of editing. I'll probably finish the editing of the book tonight, to be honest. I'm not sure when I'll get a printer I can print it out with, but I'm hoping soon. I'm planning to start querying on Monday. The first few chapters are ready.

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