Monday, April 19, 2010


This blog, which will hopefully be updated three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, will contain any and all of my thoughts regarding writing. This includes story or novel ideas, how the writing process is going for me, things I learn, questions I have, answers I have, research I've undertaken, my ideas on any subject that pertains to writing, possible clips of things I've written, etc. Today, I suppose I will just give a bit of an introduction to who I am.

My pen name is L.V. Ana. I've self-published but not real published; I have short stories for sale on and I frequently post short stories on I'm currently and strongly considering a creative writing major, and I'm taking classes towards that goal as I decide. I've been telling stories since I could talk, and writing since I knew how to form letters. I'm heavily interested in experimental fiction at the moment, but I write more than just experimental. YA (which is always heavily experimental anyway), fantasy, science fiction, action adventure, etc. Mostly I write novels but I do write a number of short stories when I can't get the words out for the larger pieces.

I'm not sure how much else I have to say. Mostly right now I just want this to be an introduction. Welcome to my journey, as a student and a writer. =)

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